Saturday, January 8, 2011


Okay so one night over Christmas break, Travis and I watched a television show that truly inspired me! " Extreme Couponing" was the name of the show and it was based around three people that had learned to work the system at grocery stores and essentially got thousands and thousands of products for pennies on the dollar. So being the tight-wad that I am, and just because it's super smart to learn how to shop wisely and economically I have decided that I am going to start couponing as well. I cut out lots of coupons from the Sunday paper, but I haven't really learned how to work the system yet, so I only saved 5.49 with coupons this time around, but hey 5.49 is still saving money! I truly hope that I can learn how to save lots of money, and get things that we truly need as a young, broke couple! If anyone has any tips for me I am welcome to any advice!!

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